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Can a Divorce Petition be filed through Power of Attorney :

Can a Divorce Petition be filed through power of attorney? In our opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong if the family courts do entertain an application or a petition filed…

Civil Appeal No. 3581-3590 of 2020

Civil Appeal No. 3581-3590 of 2020" These appeals1 under Section 23 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (hereinafter referred to as “the CP Act”) are directed against the common judgement…

Civil Law Partnership

  Did you know that a marriage can be dissolved if a couple raises false allegations against each other? When a relationship goes sour; it leads to a lot of…

Civil Partnerships

  A civil partnership is a legally recognized relationship between partners which offers the same benefits and legal rights as a conventional marriage. There are various reasons why civil partnerships…


COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK LAW IN INDIA: Copyright and Trademark are two of the most commonly used forms of intellectual property to protect creative works. Intellectual property is intangible property that is…

Crime Case Investigation and its procedures

A summary of what happens when a criminal case is registered against an individual and the procedures: Introduction This article is a brief outline of how and what happens once…

Criminal Law FAQ

I. What is “trial” in the context of a criminal case? Any act or omission which is prohibited by law and is punishable by law is a crime. The punishment…

Divorce by Mutual Consent

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: MERLYN LAW FIRM: FAMILY LAW WHAT IS DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT? Mutual consent refers to when both parties (Husband and Wife) have a mutual agreement to part…

Documents Required for Registration of Marriage:

  Duly filled application form signed by both husband and wife. Proof of address of both partners such as Aadhar card/passport/driving license/ ration card Proof of date of birth of…
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