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Does Sex or a Sexual relationship between an un-married couple amount to a legally recognized marriage?

Does Sex or a Sexual relationship between an un-married couple amount to a legally recognized marriage? Live in relationships were finally legally recognised in India. However, there has been a…

Everything you need to know about a Will & Codicil

WHAT IS A WILL? A will is a very important basic document in the whole conspectus of inheritance. The importance of a will is often undermined or ignored by individuals…


The Indian legal system has been rather slow to grasp the ever changing developments in international legal system on medical negligence. At first, most claims with regard to medical negligence…

Family Court grants divorce under the grounds of Mutual consent

Mr Rahul Jagannathan was engaged to appear for the wife and had assisted in obtaining a decree of mutual consent divorce in under 3 weeks. Read More

Family Court, Chennai dissolves marriage under the grounds of cruelty and grants divorce in favour of the husband

Mr Rahul Jagannathan was engaged to appear for the petitioner/husband in December 2022 and had successfully obtained a decree of divorce in favour of the husband. Read More

Family Court, Chennai Prima-Facie finds that husband has committed perjury

Mr Rahul Jagannathan had argued that the husband/accused had provided false information in his affidavit of assets/liabilities statement and persuaded the Hon’ble family court to refer the complaint filed by…

Filing of Criminal Case & Acquittal

It has been observed that filing of a criminal case by one of the parties to the marriage and the acquittal therein cannot be automatically treated as a ground for…

Good news for all the husbands/Men out there who have been subject to false criminal cases by their spouses: Husbands who have been acquitted after trial in 498A IPC cases can now seek divorce on the grounds of cruelty:

What is 498A-IPC … Cruelty, Dowry, etc are all considered under these charges. When a husband has been subject to false accusations by his wife under 498-A IPC; once acquitted…

Granting of Bail and Anticipatory Bail in India

Introduction: Indian criminal jurisprudence has provided scope for the concept of bail, which is a well settled principle of law through the plethora of judgements. It also has a place…
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