Is Forcible Sex by the husband an Illegal Intrusion In The Privacy Of Wife And Does it amount To Cruelty?

It is without a doubt that Forcible sex, unnatural or natural, is an illegal intrusion in the privacy of the wife and amounts to cruelty against the wife.

In cases where the husband repeatedly indulges in sexual relations against the spouses wishes; in a beast forcible manner and in a very brutal, unnaturally cruel way against the wishes of the wife, it will henceforth fall under the purview of “Cruelty” under the eyes of the law. What this means is that; unnatural or forced sex against the wishes of the wife is a legal ground for dissolution of marriage.

However, a question raised is what is the standard of proof required or in simple terms “What evidence is required to prove that the husband has forced unnatural sex against the wishes of the wife”?

What is the standard of proof that is required to prove such a case ?

The evidence which can be admitted is very straight-forward & simple, the standard of proof required in a matrimonial case is the same what is required in a civil case namely preponderance of probability.

It is to be further noted that the husband, can be tried and convicted for the offence under section 498-A/323/377 IPC ( Indian Penal Code ) & section ¾ Dowry Prohibition Act. Affirming the decree of divorce, the courts have also said that, in addition to being a criminal offence, act of sodomy and unnatural sex is also a marital wrong and is a ground for seeking divorce.

The opinion of the court is as follows: MERLYN LAW FIRM

“Unnatural sex, sodomy, oral sex and sex against the order of the nature, against the wishes of a women or wife or anybody is not only a criminal offence but also a marital wrong and amounts to cruelty which is a good ground for dissolution of marriage. Any such thing which brings the wife to indignity and causes physical and mental agony and pain is cruelty. Forcible sex, unnatural or natural, is an illegal intrusion in the privacy of the wife and amounts to cruelty against her.

References: Bini T John Vs Saji Kuruvila.

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